Actual size ruler development process

This is an illustration of the typical activity during iRuler development. Most of the changes require this kind of QA process. I'm using real ruler with centimeters marks for testing.

Online ruler - overview of July changes

I'd like to tell you about some changes on the ruler site this July:
  • Fixed typo - thanks Jon Grant and Toron who spotted it. These guys have spotted typo and both have told me about it.
  • Added Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest like buttons to main page. I hope sharing the link become very easy.
  • Added change log & todo list, where I plan to tell about new featured and maintain the list of future enhancement
  • Put most popular monitor dimensions to the set of predefined diagonals and made aspect ratio optional, because it could be derived from screen object, provided by browser.
If you find that something does not work or works with error, please let me know here or via email.